About Us


Mountain Top International (MTI)



MTI Spiritual Mandate: Our network is a fellowship of leaders and organizations desiring to expand their sprititual comprehension for growth and impact through "new thought" teachings.   Our version of new thought is simple: if you want to change a situation in your life and in our world, it begins with a new thought - a new idea - a new perspective.   We teach that God has given us creative power to create new thoughts that impact the deliverance we seek, the healing we seek, the salvation we seek.  We can create new thoughts for business, relationships, education, family, health, wealth and the overall well-being of humanity. We desire to reach all people, regardless of religion, nationality, gender, creed or class, and to help them experience their purpose and destiny being revealed and clarified. Archbishop serves as a mentor to leaders and organizations, helping network members explore the power to create GOOD; the power to manifest GOD!  

Donations to MTI 501(c)(3) 


The MTI Network for Pastors &

Community Leaders

Mentoring The Steps of Our Generation & The Next

Archbishop David A. Jones 

What Do We Offer? After 40 plus years of ministry work, and 30 plus years of pastoring, we humbly provide mentoriship and fellowship to spiritual leaders in areas such as 1) New Thought teachings, 2) Church Leadership, 3) Church Real-Estate, 4) Life Coaching - just to name a few.

Who Can Join The Network? Leaders & aspiring leaders of diverse fields are invited to join the network.  The requirements are user-friendly and designed to simply encourage your sincere engagement for quality life outcomes.  Email us at DrDavidJonesMTI@gmail.com

Want To Invite Archbishop and/or Dr. Bevelyn to your event? Email us an invitation to DrDavidJonesMTI@gmail.com.

Donations to Dr. David Jones Ministries



Pouring 40 years of ministry experience and 30 years of pastoral experience into today's leaders wanting to grow in the "no judgment zone". 


Interested in mentoring support from our network, email us at DrDavidJonesMTI@gmail.com 



MTI (Mountain Top International) Network -

Isaiah 2:2 And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be estalished in the top of the mountains...and all nations shall flow unto it.


 Archbishop David A. Jones & Dr. Bevelyn A. Jones  

MTI Network

"A New Word, A New Thought, A New Life"